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Schedule for 21 April 2010 Meeting

All lectures 35 minutes + 10 minutes for questions

0800-0900  Registration / Breakfast / Discussion Groups 
0900–0905 Conference Announcements
Luke Johnson PhD
0905-0915 Welcome and Introduction
Robert Ursano MD
Director, Center for the Study of Traumatic Stress
Professor and Chair of USU Psychiatry
0915–1000 Bruce McEwen PhD + brief questions
"How Stress Can Warp the Brain and Behavior…and Affect the Rest of the Body"
1000–1045 Andrew Holmes PhD + brief question
"Neural, molecular and genetic factors underlying individual differences in risk for PTSD"
1045–1115 Coffee Break and Posters
1115–1200  John Morrison PhD + brief questions
"Stress-induced dendritic alterations in the medial prefrontal cortex and potential for recovery: interactive effects of circuitry, hormones, and age"
1200–1230 Panel Discussion: McEwen, Holmes and Morrison
Moderator: Joel Kleinman MD, NIH

Lunch at USU Cafeteria "Small Dinning Room"
Posters in Auditorium Lobby

1330–1415 Karim Nader PhD + brief questions
"The key to prevent the return of fear memories – extinction or reconsolidation?"
1415–1500 Ruth Lanius MD PhD + brief questions
"Heterogeneity of Response to Psychological Trauma: Neuroimaging Perspectives"
1500–1530 Coffee Break and Travel Awardee Posters
1530–1615 Murray Stein MD MPH + brief questions
PharmacofMRI to Identify New Anxiolytics: A Human Bioassay of Amygdala and Insula Activation"
1615–1645 Panel Discussion: Nader, Lanius, Stein
Moderator: Mathew Freidman MD
Dartmouth Medical School
1645–1700  Closing Remarks and Presentation of Travel Awards
Robert Ursano MD, Director, Center for the Study of Traumatic Stress, Professor and Chair of USU Psychiatry